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Business Immigration

T5 Government Authorised Exchange Worker Sponsor Licence

Home » Sponsor Licence » T5 Sponsor Licence » Government Authorised Exchange T5 Government Authorised Exchange Worker Sponsor Licence Tier 5 Government Authorised Exchange (GAE) Scheme is for migrants coming to the UK through approved schemes that aim to share knowledge, experience and best practice. The existing Government Authorised Exchange (GAE) schemes are listed at

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UK Business Visa Requirements

T5 International Agreement Worker Sponsor Licence

Home » Sponsor Licence » T5 Sponsor Licence » International Agreement T5 International Agreement Worker Sponsor Licence You can apply for T5 International Agreement sponsor licence to employ employees of overseas governments / international organisations or private servants in diplomatic households. Need to employ a T5 International Agreement Worker and want legal help and assistance

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International Sportsperson Sponsor Licence

International Sportsperson Sponsor Licence You can apply for a International Sportsperson sponsor licence if you are sporting body, sports club, events organiser or other organiser operating who wish to sponsor sportspersons to work in the UK. Need to employ a International Sportsperson and want legal help and assistance for International Sportsperson sponsor Licence? Contact our

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