Extending A Global Business Mobility Visa

The Global Business Mobility visa is designed for overseas workers who are undertaking temporary work assignments in the UK. This type of visa allows for a right to extend from within the UK, up to the maximum length of time permitted under each specific route. This provides the flexibility and security of having the opportunity to remain in the UK for an extended period of time, depending on the visa route chosen by the worker.

Although there are many routes leading to the UK, none of them will provide an avenue for direct settlement (ILR). This includes the UK Expansion Worker route which is a replacement for the Representative of an Overseas Business visa. This route previously allowed eligible visa holders to apply for indefinite leave to remain, but this is no longer the case.

Overseas workers in the UK under a Global Business Mobility visa face a unique set of challenges when it comes to transitioning to a different immigration route. Before they can switch to a route that can lead to settlement, they must first satisfy the eligibility requirements. The most popular route for settlement is the Skilled Worker route, which requires applicants to meet certain criteria, such as having a job offer from an approved UK employer and having the necessary qualifications and experience. Once they have successfully met all the criteria, they can apply for the Skilled Worker visa and begin the process of obtaining their settlement status.

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