You can apply for ILR in the UK once you have completed 5 years in the UK under PBS Dependant visa and the PBS migrant is either applying for ILR or has already obtained ILR as a PBS migrant.

A PBS dependant of of PBS Migrant is his/her:

  • husband, wife or civil partner; or
  • unmarried or same-sex partner; or
  • child aged under 18 years old.

Your dependent children can be over 18 years old if they have already entered the as PBS Dependants whilst they were under the age of 18.

Need legal help and assistance with your application for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) as PBS Dependant? Contact our expert team of ILR solicitors in London for fast, friendly, reliable and fixed fee legal services for your ILR application as PBS Dependant. Ask a question to our expert team of ILR solicitors for free immigration advice.

ILR As PBS Dependants

If you are with limited leave to remain in the UK as a PBS Dependant and the main applicant (PBS Migrant) has already been granted ILR as PBS Migrant, you can continue with your PBS Dependant leave until you complete 5 years residence in the UK as PBS Dependant to qualify for ILR as a PBS Dependant. Our ILR solicitors can provide fast, friendly, reliable and affordable fixed fee legal services for following ILR applications as PBS Dependants of PBS Migrants who have already been granted ILR as PBS Migrants:

ILR Super Priority Service (Decision Within 24 Hours)

As one of the expert ILR solicitors based in London we are registered with the Home Office, UK Visas & Immigration (UKVI) and its commercial partners UKVCAS Sopra Steria to provide Super Priority Service (SPS) for ILR applications whereby decision on your ILR application will be made by the Home Office UKVI within 24 hours of the enrolment of your biometrics at a designated service centre.

Our ILR solicitors can prepare and submit your ILR application to the Home Office, UKVI through ILR – Super Priority Service and get decision on your ILR application within 24 hours. This way, you will not have to wait for the decision on your application for months (sometimes years).

ILR Priority Service

As expert ILR solicitors based in London, we are also registered with the Home Office, UK Visas & Immigration (UKVI) and its commercial partners UKVCAS Sopra Steria to provide ILR Priority Service (decision within 5 working days) whereby decision on your ILR application will be made by the Home Office UKVI within 5 working days of the enrolment of your biometrics at a designated service centre.

Our ILR solicitors can prepare and submit your ILR application to the Home Office, UKVI through ILR – Priority Service and get decision on your ILR application within 5 working days. This way, you will not have to wait for the decision on your application for months (sometimes years).