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Start-Up Visa UK

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What is Start-Up Visa UK?

A business visa is a type of visa that allows individuals to travel to foreign countries for business-related. The start-up visa category is for people seeking to establish a business in the UK for the first time. The start up visa category has replaced Tier 1 Graduate Entrepreneur visa category. You can apply for start-up visa for UK if have an innovative, viable and scalable business idea and you have received an endorsement letter from an approved endorsing body. In all cases applicants must provide a letter of endorsement from a Home Office approved endorsing body.

As a result of successful application as a start up migrant, the applicant will be granted leave to remain for 2 years and does not lead directly to settlement (ILR) in the UK, but applicants may progress into the innovator visa category which does lead to ILR after 3 years.

The Immigration Solicitors at Sunrise Solicitors have expert knowledge and vast experience of dealing with start up visa applications. We can provide various services for start up visa migrants and their dependants.

Services For Start-up Migrants

Following are the various applications as Start Up Migrant for which we can provide the required legal help and assistance as your legal represenatives:

Following are the various applications as Dependants of Start Up Migrant for which we can provide the required legal help and assistance as your legal represenatives:

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