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Entry Clearance For Start-up Visa UK

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Entry Clearance For Start-up Visa UK

You can apply for entry clearance for Start-up visa UK after your business idea has been endorsed by a UKVI approved endorsing body and you hav received an endorsement letter. As a result of a successful entry clearance for Start-up visa, you will be granted UK visa for two years.

Ask a question to our expert immigration solicitors for free advice online for entry clearance for start up visa UK by completing our enquiry form and one of our immigration solicitors will answer your question as soon as possible.

Eligibility Requirements For Start-up Visa Entry Clearance?

You should meet the following eligibility requirements to succeed in your application for start up visa entry clearance:

  • You have an endorsement letter from the UKVI approved endorsing body which has assessed your business idea to be innovative, viable and scalable;
  • You must be at least 18 years old;
  • You must meet the English language requirement;
  • You must be able to prove that you have enough personal savings to support yourself while you’re in the UK;
  • You can show you can travel and your travel history over the last 5 years;
  • You must not fall for refusal under general grounds for refusal;
  • You have tuberculosis test results if you’re from a listed country.

Credibility Assessment

The Home Office UKVI will not normally need to carry out a credibility assessment for Start-up applications. An endorsing body will already have assessed an applicant’s business plan and Home Office caseworkers are not expected to duplicate that assessment.

A balance of probability test should only be carried out on an application if the Home Office UKVI caseworker has reason to believe that there are specific grounds to doubt start up migrant’s credibility. This power is primarily intended to be used where the Home Office has information that would not otherwise have been considered by an endorsing body when it has assessed start up migrant’s suitability for endorsement.

Start-up Teams

Applicants do not need to be the sole founder of the business and may be a member of an entrepreneurial team and share the same business idea and plan as another Start-up team member. However, each member of the Start-up team must be issued their own individual endorsement and meet all the other wider requirements of Appendix W in their own right.

Maintenance Funds

The applicants must show they have at least ÂŁ945 of available funds, plus ÂŁ630 funds for each dependant maintained in the account for 90 days.

English Language Requirement For Switching Into Start Up Visa

The applicant must have at least a B2 level of English language ability, as defined in the Council of Europe’s common European framework for language and learning.

An applicant satisfies the English language requirement by:

  • being a national of a majority English speaking country
  • passing an English language test
  • holding a degree which is:
    • a UK Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree or PhD
    • awarded by an establishment outside of the UK and is deemed by UK NARIC to meet the recognised standard of a Bachelor’s degree or Master’s degree or a PhD
    • deemed by UK NARIC to meet or exceed the recognised standard of a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree or a PhD in the UK, and is from an educational establishment in one of the following countries: Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Ireland, Jamaica, New Zealand, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago and the United States of America
  • The applicant can also meet the English language requirement, without the need to provide evidence, if they have ever been given permission to stay in the UK in one of the following categories:
    • Start up
    • Innovator
    • Tier 1 (General)
    • Tier 1 (Post Study Work)
    • Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) under the rules in place before 13 December 2012
    • Tier 2 (Minister of Religion)
    • Tier 4 (General), supported by a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies assigned on or after 21 April 2011

How We Can Help With Your Entry Clearance Application As A Start Up Migrant?

We can legally represent you in your entry clearance application as a Start Up Migrant and carry out all the work until decision is made by the Entry Clearance Officer (ECO) on your Start Up visa application. The immigration caseworker to be carried out by our immigration solicitors will include the following:

  • Assessing the chances of success in your application based on your endorsement letter issued by the endorsement body, your qualifications, skills, experience, English language skills and the funds for maintenance;
  • advising you on the relevant requirements, relevant laws and procedures;
  • advising you on the relevant documents to be submitted in support of your application;
  • assessing your documentary evidence and discussing the same with you;
  • advising you on the weaknesses and strengths of your application;
  • completing an online application form to apply for entry clearance as a Start Up Migrant;
  • submitting an online application, paying the visa fee and Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS) online on your behalf and booking an appointment at the Application Centre for the enrolment of biometrics and submission of the relevant documents;
  • preparing a cover letter explaining in detail how all the relevant requirements of the entry clearance application as a Start Up Migrant are being satisfied, in particular, addressing the potential issue of the genuineness of the applicant as a Start Up Migrant;
  • preparing you for an interview with the Entry Clearance Officer (ECO) in relation to your Start Up visa application and discussing possible questions which the Entry Clearance Officer (ECO) may ask during the interview; and
  • doing all the follow-up work on the Start Up visa application until a decision is received from the Home Office, UKVI.

Our Fixed Fees For Entry Clearance For Start Up Migrant Visa

Our fixed fees for entry clearance application for start up visa from outside the UK are as given in the fee table below:

Our Service Our Fixed Fees Range
Full service for start up visa Entry Clearance to cover all the work until decision by the Entry Clearance Officer (ECO) From ÂŁ2,000 To ÂŁ3,000 (no VAT)

The agreed fixed fee will depend on the complexity of the start up visa entry clearance application and the volume of casework involved in the application. In addition to our fixed fee for start up visa entry clearance, the applicant also has to pay the Home office UKVI fees for the UK visa entry clearance application.

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